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Services Division

We design, rehabilitate, operate and rehabilitate public spaces and services through our environmental engineering unit.


Discover what we can do for your city.


Some of Our Projects

Paseo de la Reforma
[Mexico City]

Daily maintenance of the main corridor of Paseo de la Reforma including activities such as: manual sweeping, beaconing, gardening, cleaning of litter bins and removal of advertising and graffiti.

San Juan del Rio

We carry out the manual and mechanical sweeping of 82,000 linear meters and the collection, transport and final disposal of 90 tons of solid waste daily.

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Santa Fe
[Mexico City]

We design and provide the renovation of multiple green areas in the Santa Fe area for the benefit of a floating population of more than 230 thousand people, who circulate through the area daily.

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[Quintana Roo]

Solid Waste Collection

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Coastal Miguel Alemán

Rehabilitation and maintenance including activities of: manual sweeping, beaconing, gardening, litter bin cleaning and propaganda removal.

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Rehabilitación de imagen urbana y limpieza de Periférico


[Nuevo León]

Plan de recolección de basura, como parte del programa "Revive al centro" agregamos 4 barredoras 7 unidades de recolección y 2 unidades de inspección.

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